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Pet Travel Blog

Airport Insights: Starwood Staff Airport Visits

At Starwood, we take pride in our exceptional team of knowledgeable staff and our commitment to providing superior customer ...

What Might Delay My Pet's Travel Plans?

We've all experienced the frustration of flight cancellations or weather delays while traveling. These challenges also impact ...

Puppy and Kitten Scams

Before you click "buy" on that adorable online puppy or kitten, take a moment to do your research. It's a sad reality that pet ...

The Best Airline-Approved Travel Carriers for Cats and Dogs

If you're planning a long-distance move for you and your pets involving air travel, you'll need to purchase an ...

Heartworm Disease in Dogs and Cats

Heartworm disease is a serious and potentially fatal condition that affects dogs and cats worldwide. It is caused by the ...
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What Happens on the Day Your Pet Flies

After meticulously planning for weeks, or even months, the day of your pet's journey has finally arrived! If you're feeling a ...

7 Ways to Get Your Pet Ready to Move Overseas

Preparing your pet for an international move goes beyond just physical logistics. It's about understanding that your furry ...

How the IAG Cargo Price Increase will Impact Pet Travel

As a result of IAG Cargo's recent announcement, pet owners may need to reevaluate their travel plans for their furry ...

Can My Pets Travel Together On A Plane?

Your furry companions are more than just pets - they're family. And when you're planning a move that involves air travel for ...

Finding Pet-Friendly Housing in the UK

Finding pet-friendly housing in the United Kingdom can be a daunting task, but fear not, because we're here to help! As a pet ...